Negative aspects of the CC process are astonishingly minimal.
One is it's voracious appetite. We have found in many instances that the client does not possess enough feedstock to keep the facility running 24 hours a day, a prime requirement of their operation.
One may not even consider a downside is the restriction to diesel fuel and jet-fuel. While it is actually possible to produce gasoline with this process, it is far less effective from an energy yield and cost point of view. There is a 10% drop from diesel to jet-fuel; the yield iis lower than that of diesel fuel.
On the other hand, with a heavy truck population of about 5 million diesel trucks in the US, 400,000 rigs in California alone, not counting construction machinery, forklifts or diesel locomotives, and with a diesel fuel consumption of 4 million barrels per day (!), we will need years just to satisfy the ravenous demand for diesel fuel.
There will be no lack of customers for decades.